Tony Pantalleresco's AntiNano Bucket Works!
What's Terrifying AND Wonderful? The Sight of Your Own Foot Sludge!
I carefully lowered my feet into the yellow AntiNano Bucket. I’d never really trusted water and electricity close together. I’d always been told it was dastardly combination to be avoided at all costs. A friend, who’d made the bucket, originally designed by Tony Pantalleresco, had told me twice: “Be sure to keep the cord away from the water!” Of course, I didn’t even need to be told once. “Yes. Absolutely! ,” I said. “They won’t go near each other. I’ll get this bucket back to you as is.” (That never happened. He made more shortly thereafter and has never asked for it back.) Good! It works!
The instructions I’d gotten from my friend were to: put a large pot of hot water into the bucket along with a cup of Himalayan Salt and a 1/2 cup of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar. (I put in 1/2 cup more of each). Then… put my feet in. Then… put the cord into the wall. The cord part was really hard for me! What if my friend had made a mistake and that’s the last I’d ever see of my feet? After all, I hadn’t seen him use it. Had he?
I’d washed my feet in advance for the occasion, and had trapsed back into the kitchen with my usual pair of white tube socks on. (After having once contracted a frightful staph infection on my toes, I’d been advised by a doctor never to wear anything but white cotton socks again, so I never had. (The value of this grisly detail will become apparent when you see the color of the strands that came out of my feet later on.)
Okay - “Plug it in… Plug it in…,” I told myself. “There, I did it!” Remarkably, I still seemed to have feet! “By Golly. That’s great! Oh… Wait a minute. How long was I supposed to keep my feet in there, again?” I resolved to keep them in there as long as they were still attached and the water was still warm.
What proceeded were some very strange sensations, indeed. I felt like itchy flakes were moving from areas higher on my body to lower ones. A large flake felt like it started in the middle of my chest, near my heart, and slowly moved down to my knee. I seemed to lose track of it after that. Then, another one started in my upper leg and moved into my feet. I felt a slight pain as it left my feet. Soon, a similar flake/clump/cluster(?) started moving out of my wrist, up my arm and down my side.
These things that were moving in my body somehow felt smaller than pebbles, but larger than 5 grains of sand put together. I was certain I wasn’t just feeling electrical impulses. They seemed to have some solidity to them, yet their movement felt odd. They didn’t flow from one point in my body to the next smoothly, or move along expected pathways. If memory serves, their motion was somewhat jerky in nature. It had kind of ‘stop-start’ feeling to it, in spite of being quite fast.
After about 25 minutes, I felt like my feet were getting overly-charged somehow; not exactly like they were in danger of falling off, but perhaps like they might start glowing, or buzzing if I didn’t take them out shortly, so I did.
My friend had instructed me to put some olive oil into the bucket afterwards to encourage whatever came out of my feet to clump together. What greeted me after doing so, were orangish-brown clumps with mixed in black specks at the bottom. Yuck!
I took a generous glob of the sludge and put it on a slide to investigate. Here’s what I saw under the microscope in brightfield:
Foot sludge Brightfield Image - Picture #1 (June 30, 2023)
This was June 2023, before I knew lots of unvaccinated people had this much junk inside of them. My mind started racing. Was it the antibiotic IVs I’d had for that infection at the start of the Plandemic? “Well, that’s it! I’m dying,” I thought. I resolved to leave Ecuador and go on a pleasure trip to Peru the next day, reasoning that it was probably my last chance to enjoy myself before it wasn’t just my feet I’d have to worry about.
To be fair, some of the clear strands seen in Picture #1 above are probably from whatever sock fuzz was left on my feet before put them into the bucket. I don’t think the blue strands can be explained that way though. Nope. Those were suspicious for sure. There were also three visible spheres that looked like nanocarriers still intact. Liposomes? Whatever they were, they’d survived quite a journey.
I sat there, looking at this first sample of foot sludge for close to 3 hours and took 60 pictures or more. Unfortunately, the original photos of this first session were lost to a hard drive crash, and there was nothing I could do to recover them. Fortunately, I followed up on the experience by looking at foot sludge from future sessions. Here are some pictures from two of those:
Foot Sludge Brightfield Image - Picture #2 (November 15, 2023) - Hydrogel Strands?
Foot Sludge Darkfield Image - Picture #3 (November 15, 2023)
Foot Sludge Darkfield Image - Picture #4 (November 15, 2023) - Structure under construction?
Foot Sludge Darkfield Image - Picture #5 (January 24, 2024)
Whenever I have captured these pointed pyramid-like shapes, they have been moving. (See the gold-colored shape on the lefthand side of the screen). Unfortunately, I can’t find a video to match this image. I’ll be the first to admit that there is probably a focus issue here, as the image is quite blurred. Still, I find these moving shapes quite a lot in fluids, where nanotechnology-related objects are seen.
Foot Sludge Darkfield Image - Picture #6 (January 24, 2024)
I didn’t test the salt water, natural apple cider vinegar or olive oil prior to my first AntiNano Bucket Session, but I did look at each of these ingredients separately under my microscope prior to the following sessions. There were no visible strands, spheres, or strange moving pyramids in any of the ingredients.
If you’re curious about how to make Tony Pantalleresco’s Bucket on your own, here is a video he produced on how to do it. (There are shorter versions put out by other people available on YouTube.)
I highly recommend Tony Pantalleresco’s AntiNano Bucket. Subsequent sessions produced foot sludge that looked progressively less crowded. This strengthened my faith in this method of detoxification.
There are people who have voiced concerns about the effects of AntiNano devices on the body. I don’t know a lot about those issues, and I’m not in a position to comment on what the short or long-term effects might be. If you are, I’d love to read your comments below.
Thanks for viewing, sharing and commenting. Let’s find a solution together!
Absolutely fascinating. Thank you.
So does the spike machine and triangle. I’ve been using it for a while now.