Whenever anyone comes up and tries to argue the ‘Flat Earth’ theory with me, I listen at first, and then finally say: “I just like round things! I don’t care if I’m lying to myself on this one, or if I’m totally wrong. I want to keep thinking about living on a round earth! Because… Because… it makes me feel more comfortable. Imagining planets that look like long-playing records flying through space does not. Okay?” That’s usually not the end of the argument the other person is trying to have. But, it is for me.
In this weird, and often troubling world, I reserve the right to lie to myself, (or not unearth the truth about some things), when I want to. Unfortunately, (for my peace of mind), I don’t feel the same way when it comes to nanotechnology.
It’s for this reason, I’ve never been able to just relax and stop looking when I’m told that liposomes are safe; are made of natural materials; and pose no problem at all. Yes! They ARE round. But, that doesn’t make them okay! That’s why I didn’t stop at just one Google search. If you do more than one search, and switch the key search words around a bit, liposomes look like they very well could be dangerous as early as the second search!
I had to look deeper. When I did, I found the safety story incomplete. Liposomes AREN’T always safe. It all depends on what’s on the surface of them, what’s inside of them, and their electrical, chemical and other properties. It also depends on how liposomes interact with you and what’s already inside of you.
I explored the subject of liposomes a bit in an earlier post, entitled: “NANOTECH IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PART 1,” but feel the topic is worthy of further discussion. These are the most common manmade objects I see in consumer products, and almost no one is talking about them.
Even though liposomes are supposed to release their contents and pass out of the body, I increasingly find them loitering around in blood. If ANY of them are bad for us, we’re ALL in trouble. And… there’s plenty of evidence that SOME of them ARE.
Picture #1 - Unvaccinated Blood - Most Likely Connected Liposomes
(The nanotechnology industry has made some effort to prevent liposomes from connecting like this, as it apparently makes them less efficient. It looks like they still have a bit of work to do in this area! Great! Another way we’re being experimented on!)
Here are some smaller ones:
Picture #2 - Unvaccinated Blood - Liposomes or Other Spherical Nanocarriers
Liposomes were discovered in 1961. They were found to be good at shielding drugs from things in a person’s body, such as their innate immune system, which might otherwise break them down before they arrive at their appointed destination, i.e. a cancerous tumor.
They have at least one, but often more, lipid bilayers composed of hydrophilic (water-loving) heads on the outside of each layer and hydrophobic (water-loving) tails pointed inwards. Liposomes are used to protect aqueous solutions within them, until the time is right for their dispersal. They are considered nanocarriers, because they are used to contain nanoparticles for various purposes.
There are many different kinds of liposomes, including: conventional liposomes, cationic liposomes; and stealth liposomes, to name a few. They can be created in a variety of different ways; serve diverse purposes; and appear in a range of sizes. Liposomes respond to different kinds of environmental signals, such as changes in light, temperature, magnetism or PH, among other things. When liposomes carrying chemotherapy drugs encounter tumors, such signals cause them to release their contents. Because they are designed to protect toxic medications until their targets are reached, it is less likely that healthy cells in the body will be destroyed enroute.
Here are some web link addresses for articles that provide more information and highlight some of their differences: 1. “Liposome: classification, preparation, and applications” https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3599573/ 2. “Liposomes: structure, composition, types, and clinical applications” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584402200682X
For more basic information on liposomes in video form, you may want to try out the two videos below. They are informative, but simple enough to understand easily. Believe me, that’s really saying something! Unfortunately, the presenter has an accent that might be challenging for some.
These days, liposomes aren’t just used to treat cancer. These little guys can now be found in foods; lipstick, saline solutions, vaccines, pet products, eye drops, ear drops, supplements, medications, meat and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and the list goes one.
In agriculture, fewer pesticides and/or plant nutrients are needed to facilitate changes in plant health when nanocarriers are used to facilitate higher rates of absorption. The argument for using liposomes in supplements also revolves around facilitating more effective absorption. Some liposomes meld with cells to deliver their ingredients directly. When looked at only from the angle of enhancing efficiency, that might sound great. The trouble is, there are many more angles that should be considered.
When I look at information on liposomes used in medicine, it’s clear that a lot of research is being done on how particular formulations are likely to impact the body during the treatment of disease. Sadly, I have yet to find a similarly voluminous body of work devoted to the health impact of liposomes, and other nanoparticle-related structures, in the food industry. In fact, a frequent refrain at the ends of articles on the topic reads something like this: “The effects of this on human health are unknown. Further research must be done to assess safety.”
Imagine the same refrain in publication after publication, year after year, as nanotechnology use outside of medicine continues to advance? As far as I can tell, the research doesn’t get done. (Hopefully, I just don’t know where to look).
I’ve seen these objects in way more than half of all the products I’ve looked at, including fresh produce, and think having more information on them and their safety, (or lack thereof), is in order. I’m hoping this article will arose the interest of other researchers with better equipment, and potentially greater levels of skill, so we can start chipping away at clues that might help us determine exactly how safe or unsafe certain liposomes, and other spherical nanocarriers, are.
My preference would be the sudden disappearance of the majority of liposomes and other nanocarriers off the face of the earth. Knowing that’s unlikely to happen, the next best future I can imagine is one in which all products with nanotechnology in them are labelled and come with specific details about any and all associated risks. This would likely be followed by the creation of new nanotech-free products with their own special aisles at the supermarket. Unfortunately, that possibility seems to be quite a ways off too.
In the meantime, I look forward to a day when we, as a collective, know enough to be able to determine which of two given papayas, or apples, or brands of Ibuprofen, is likely to be the safest. If we can get that far, the more hopeful scenarios mentioned above may not be so far behind.
Before I go on, it’s important to note that the topic of liposomes, and other spherical nanocarriers, is a complex one. There are other kinds of nanocarriers that could easily be mistaken for liposomes, so it’s quite possible I’ve made errors in labelling some of the spheres in the photos posted below. Regardless of the difficulty, I’m going to take a stab at it. This is a serious topic in dire need of greater attention! My hope is that this article, and some of the link addresses contained within it, will help save other researchers a bit of time.
In my mind, time is of the essence, because liposomes CAN be dangerous. We use them, inject them, eat them, and drink them, but they RARELY TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. It’s one thing to pick up a bottle of Liposomal Vitamin C, which is labelled that way, and another thing to pick a handful of blueberries with liposomes in them, containing substances that likely made them cheaper to produce, but might compromise your health.
The types of liposomes you are swallowing, putting into your eyes and/or ears, slathering on your skin, or injecting, matters a lot. You might not be horribly affected by liposomes that are prepared using natural substances such as egg, soy, milk or chocolate. But, then again, YOU might be.
When we can’t reliably depend on ingredients’ lists, we no longer have any real informed consent over what we put into our bodies. We can TRY to adhere to a particular diet, to manage allergies or other conditions, but with liposomes composed of unknown ingredients in fruit, vegetables, meat, juice, and even some water, it’s become impossible to judge the safety of our food.
With some liposomes, (many of which are used in the food industry), you could be facing risks such as:
A serious, and potentially life-threatening allergic response. (Polyethylene Glycol coated liposomes can lead to anaphylactic shock in some people). You can read more about Polyethylene Glycol reactions here: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9431890/
Toxic liposome buildup in the liver. For more information https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5717320/
Difficulty with gut health, due to the ingestion of liposomes used for anti-microbial purposes.
Immune system changes. For a good discussion of this, see: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7074910/
Unknown health effects of genetic changes made to what you are eating. Liposomes can, and are, being used to effect genetic changes in fresh produce.
We all hope that the liposomes in bananas, tangerines and other produce aren’t meant to produce genetic changes in humans. Some of them do produce genetic changes in plants, however. Changes in what we eat are likely to affect us in some way, to a greater or lesser degree.
Liposomes ARE used in Covid-19 vaccines. And, they do KNOW HOW to add vaccines to some produce. But, that’s okay. Surely, for-profit corporations wouldn’t add them willy-nilly to most of what we commonly eat. (A bit of sarcasm there). Unfortunately, the fact is, we really don’t know what we’re getting when we bite into a piece of produce, or other food item with liposomes in it, because they don’t tell us. The label ‘organic’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘nanotech’ free either.
Unknown health effects of the common use of positively-charged liposomes in consumer products. (Could this be why I’m seeing more Rouleau in blood these days?) Could positively-charged liposomes be affecting the charge of our Red Blood Cells, and thus impeding the free flow of oxygen around our bodies? My best guess is: PROBABLY.
Here’s a photo of what I found in Papaya here in Ecuador. I can’t be completely sure of what I’m seeing here, but having looked at liposomes in consumer products extensively, I’m as sure as I can be that the spheres below are manmade liposomes, (or other spherical nanocarriers), and that are spilling their contents and connecting.
Picture #3 - Papaya Sample - Are the decaying liposomes forming networks?
It’s important that we gain an understanding of what nanocarriers, like those seen above, are doing, especially once they enter our bodies. Cationic Liposomes, for example, (which carry a positive charge, can make genetic changes, and build up in the liver), ARE being used in the agricultural industry. I can’t identify any of them by sight as of yet, but I’d certainly like to be able to.
While searching around for information on different types of liposomes, I came upon an interesting information source - a website for BOC Sciences, a company that makes them. The site provides information on all of the types they sell, including Cationic Liposomes for the agricultural industry. I wonder if they produce any that are 400 nm or greater for research purposes. Here’s the link address: https://liposomes.bocsci.com/products.html (It goes without saying that I have no connection to this company).
Here are some additional photos of liposomes in products I’ve tested:
Picture #4 - Found in Spirulina Powder (Multilamellar Liposome?)
Multilamellar Liposomes have more than one bilayer. At first I was shocked to see such a complex shape in Spirulina. Later, I was able to confirm that a variety of different drying processes, can be used for encapsulation when spirulina powder is produced. Multilamellar Liposomes can be used for extending the survival time of substances in the human body.
Photo #5 - Curry Sample from a Jar of Thai Curry. The black and white spheres look like they could be unilamellar (single bilayer) liposomes.
Picture #6 - Manuka Honey Medication for Dogs - (Is this a Giant ‘Unilamellar’ or ‘Multilamellar’ Liposome)? Spherical Nanocarriers often have centers that seem to glow.
Picture #7 - Nasal Spray - It looks like this medication may contain two different types of liposomes.
Picture #8 - Sample of an Ibuprofen Gel cap - Florescent Multilamellar Sphere
Lots of spherical nanocarriers appear florescent or seem to glow.
Video #1 - Slow Focus Change Reveals Complex Layers of a Spherical Nanocarrier (Unfortunately, I don’t remember what I was looking at).
Picture #9 - Saline Solution - Suspected Nanocarrier with An Odd Shape and Color
Picture #10 - Sample of Marmalade from a Jar - When I applied EMF to the sample, the central area, which one appeared more squarish, changed shape.
Another note from Substack that my post is near the email limit. I plan to post again on this topic in the future. In the meantime, if liposomes don’t come with a safety guarantee, I say we demand one!
These black circles could be yeast cells…RR
There’s a guy on instagram who shows all kinds of things under the microscope and most have obvious q-dots in them. He never mentions anything about them and I’m guessing either he thinks they are bubbles or that he knows exactly what they are and is just “testing” his g viewers to see who knows what they are OR he’s just normalizing them. No one responds to my comments and I’ve been saying they are a-dots, quantum dots, carriers of who knows what kind of tech..