Your welcome! I’m sure that you’ll learn as much as I did about these nano invaders. May I suggest you begin this beautiful quest with the Micronauts’ older posts in order to see their evolution? Many comments are pertinent too. Enjoy!
Excellent demonstration of "Havana Syndrome" now available to every mammal and other "meat". Thank you very much for your experiments and Aesopian language.
I had to look up "Aesopian" and I agree. Her writing style is very inviting and might give unaware people (I hate to call them normies) cause-to-pause and think - instead of rejecting unusual findings outright. I've been down the rabbit hole since December 2019. I'm retired and have the time to study and search out many different information sources. I understand many people don't have the time to do that. Thank you Daisy. You are new to me and I'm glad I stumbled in.
AI says "AI Overview- There is evidence that the Soviet Union conducted research on the dangers of microwaves, including irradiating the US Embassy in Moscow with microwaves between 1953 and 1975"
I have a large amount of data on micro wave hazards. They change the alignment of the chemical structures, even of water. Cell fone micro waves fry the brains of newborns, toddlers because:
Brain development: Children's brains are rapidly developing, and exposure to microwaves can damage brain cells and disrupt brain development. This can lead to significant neurological changes later in life.
Brain tissue absorption: Children's brain tissue is more absorbent than adults'.
Skull thickness: Children's skulls are thinner than adults'.
Relative size: Children are smaller than adults.
Hormone disruption: Cell phone radiation can disrupt hormones, which can lead to mental illness.
Cortical thinning: Brain scans have shown that children who spend too much time on screens have premature thinning of the cortex, the outermost layer of the brain.
Some potential health risks of cell phone radiation on children include: Low IQ, Improper mental growth, Sleep deprivation, Brain tumors, and Psychiatric diseases.
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) conducted a $30 million, 10-year study on the health effects of cell phone radiofrequency (RF) radiation: The study found "clear evidence" of cancer in male rats exposed to RF radiation. However, the NTP has since been stopped from studying the biological and environmental impacts of cell phone RF radiation.
Wow! The information you posted above is extremely helpful! The second article entitled: "Adverse Effects of Microwaves," actually lists some health issues that members of my family are currently experiencing. Like many Americans, they consume microwaved foods on a daily basis. My guess is that the balance problems, nerve issues and memory problems experienced by some of my family members are related to their consumption of microwaved foods and beverages. Microwaves are used very frequently in American stores and restaurants to heat up food to go. They are used so often, lots of Americans, who never use microwaves in their homes, are probably being exposed to microwaved foods outside their homes a lot more often than they are aware of.
Another piece of information I found in that article that was very helpful can be found under: "B. Athermal Effects." In that section, the author talks about energetic forces that can cause particles to align in a way that resembles a string of pearls. I see this phenomenon very often in my microscopy research. The line of round particles in Pictures #2 & #4 above could, possibly, be explained by this, or a similar, phenomenon. Also, when I used Tony Pantalleresco's Anti-Nano bucket for the first time (see my last post), I took several pictures of cubes on a string that I found in my foot sludge after using the bucket. They looked like strings or necklaces as well. I wonder if the energetic forces generated by Tony's Anti-Nano bucket had anything to do with the creation of those. Your information has given me a lot to think about. I really appreciate your contributions! Thanks again!
See Barry teower ex UK MOD engineer. He tells no lies, all information on the dangerous of RF,EMF, and other waves which were known to him in the employ of the military are utterly true. I've seen many of the studies and safety data papers which have now been deleted or removed from government databases. They new full well that everything wireless was far far far more dangerous than they told you. End result of all that data is that no animals or plants should be subject to these waves we see everywhere unless they wish function less efficiently, live less, and age more. Furthermore, these effects amplify through generations since if mum is not in her Natural molecular form and her health is less than should be it only ads up over time. Gotta love those guys with a bt watch, bt earphones, 2 phones, a smart fridge, smart vaccum, smart AC, smart lights, smart grass, etc. they have no idea the serious dangers and effects.
Besides Russians, I have read works by Sabrina Wallace, Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Gitish Kumar, Dr Robert O Becker, Leif G. Salford, and Roman Shapoval but so far I was not familiar with Barrie Trower. Great Guy and good work.
Good God. I just read your previous post as directed and am blown away. The information, the device, the video. I am a civil engineer and Not a scientist. I study for my personal awareness. Its people like you who write to educate me. I have about 2TB of data compilation but I have never come across such easy method of detox.
2 years ago I microwaved a liquid swab sample. I had a zoom audience and a chemistry scientist all curiously watching. It took just 5 secs to boil it out of the tube. After putting under the scope it looked just the same as before with all of the same chemical material seeming to form still. What you can't see is if it damaged any proteins, DNA, or other material. It likely damaged something since some things cannot be industructable. It seemed like the lipids and and other material could form, but if they were functioning as intended still cannot really be seen by microscopy. All in all it is mute test and apparently destroys good plates. 🤣 Hope it wasn't yours!
Your experiment is interesting to hear about. I agree. It's a mute test in terms of whether it affected nanotech in the meat. I do have faith though that - someday - through study of nanotechnology coursework put out in the public domain for nanotech developers, (there's already a lot out there), that we'll be able to get some idea of of how larger self- assembled structures are supposed to work. At that point, we should have a better idea of whether our experiments are making any sort of a significant dent in their operation.
We have an idea of how those technologies work, we just don't specifically know how they are programmed or more so what are programmed to do in any useful detail. The only way to know is through deep and cross correlates analysis using sequencing for ssDNA or other constructive DNA techniques. Knowing all the materials and building blocks alongside via various forms of spectrometry, electrochemical analysis, etc. Once you have all that then you have to chart it all out together and just hope somehow you can see through all the complex linkages and pathways to reduce it all into blue print. Even with all that specific data we would have a massive and surely quite challenging task to work out how all the building blocks go together. You will likely need dedicated LLM's on high speed computers to resolve the puzzle. These guys made a huge nightmare for us all, and they know it. But we keep going, onwards and out of the deep water where possible. Regards 😉
We should all be very hopeful. That's what drives us. When I started researching towards 4 years ago I thought it would be tough finding any relevant discoveries of use to anyone. I made a lot of progress and learnt so much about many things. But, later as 2021 showed new observation and understanding I realised we were dealing with something that was so complicated that it would take many genius types of many walks and with access to great analysis equipment to decipher what's being looked at. For a the most part we are all just seeing a fraction of the puzzle under microscope alone. Understanding it's behaviour, what's inhibiting or helping it from processes can be missunderstood if the material nature is not known properly or at least partly. A vesicle shrinking may be a sign of nano distruction to some, but may actually mean something else entirely. It may not even happen in a more stable environment such as blood or other fluids. The collapse could be due to excitement where energizing without other resources present causes collapse due to feed cut off. Weird stuff is known to be an attribute of these materials in certain conditions and many researchers do not account for the understanding of how these things work. Even I made mistakes before learning so much and still continue to learn. We should all keep at it because no-one else wants to take responsibility and fix the tyrranical-sore-ass-rex that has become our reality. But people should stand in the light cautiously and with care since the awake folks don't know what to believe anymore. Modesty in this work is what tells me to take interest in other researchers. Neo claimed he had tonnes of data and lots of answers, made us all get excited (not me, heard it all before). Now his stacks up he is naming all kinds of known structures weird stuff and jumping on the microchip this and robot that stuff. He's just one of a great many. Basically that's where this all started, people not knowing what stuff is and giving it all misleading names while claiming to be a researcher. This is where people absolutely should be researching, but also being modest and careful about what they are saying while claiming to be a leader in research. Modesty, "here is this that looks like this but I don't know what it is" goes down way better then here is what I've decided is a Graphene ribbon, robot, or microchip. If it's not fact then use logic to describe the situation, detail it as an open observation. Ironically most of these claims and names for stuff have little or no backing at this stage. I am still confident of the lipids, vesicles, colloidal networks, polymers, and other materials I have been writing about for some time since I have provided evidence for those being present to some reasonable degree and those are the kinds of materials expected from advanced transhuman products self-assembling. Everytime I hear this is a robot or this is a Graphene nano ribbon I cringe. There has been no real evidence for these particular statements so far and most analysis by tangible outlets on our side of this war have not concluded much in support of those claims. People seem to be going in circles and playing the game of let's call this thing the new trendy word from the circles online. Clifford carnicom has done some really good scientific work, I have done some reasonable job of providing visual analysis, staining, etc and other scientists have now released papers supporting these technological pathways we think we are seeing. But it seems many are too caught up in there small celebrity dr's and their made up buzz words to go and research the work of much more credible folks while trying to correlate it all. It's like everyone has microscope, article, buzzwords fever and it's getting weirder lol. Just thought I'd post my recent thoughts. I like everyone researching responsibly, but some of it confuses me. People are posting great discoveries, and fake cures, or presenting themselves as leads on the stage while getting donations for their missleeding statements. People should work together and learn intensively instead of going on one man Bands presenting themselves as a source of science and truth. Jeeze...the more I see it the weirder it seems. I love seeing modest people like yourself posting what's in their blood, it's when it gets to the naming of stuff as if that person has a clue being rather puzzling. The public need to make truth from these crimes and keeping everything out there real since it is what will make the non believers feel it is maybe tangible before they have to wake up. Media and science just takes the Mickey out of those who make unfounded claims which later turn out to be wrong, then they use it as missinformation against us and all that is actually tangible and true. That's why it's easy for them to call us tinfoil hatters, because others are claiming to be remote viewers and showing you cutting edge info, or creating made up devices that make no sense. People are following these guys almost like cults and it is going to be used against the awake as a whole. Not an image I think we all need in this war. It's nice to sometimes let my thoughts out, hope you don't mind.
Thanks for your comments and pep talk on the value of this work. I agree! Having the proper amount of humility is really important. We do see certain patterns though, so I think making guesses and admitting that they are guesses is alright. I've liked Neo's recent work quite a lot. I hadn't seen much of it until recently.
This post was meant to display what I found in a humorous and entertaining way. Some of my posts contain more serious research and speculation. I'm genuinely concerned about what I captured on video and how microwave ovens could be affecting people at the atomic and molecular levels. I don't know if this kind of footage has been captured much and, if not, the world needs to know.
Russians have great research on dangers and effects of microwaves. They have worked on effects on food and crops also. I will look back, they must have something on it.
So did most governments, they hid it from Ain sight for years and then started deleting all their safety data since the public began reading it and waking up. The dangers of microbes are no mystery to design engineers and some medical fields. They just didn't want us being healthy I guess. Anything which damages nutrition or may expose you to low amounts of radiation over long periods is a bonus for those guys. Just like they told everyone smoking was cool and what makes a man or lady the man or lady. These people always new what they were doing.
Thanks for sharing!
I got rid of my microwave oven years ago; food tastes better and one or two minutes more aren’t worth the damages to my health.
Have a look at (Nixonlab), KarlC. ( and Silvia Neitzer (, Matt ( ) and Will: Micronaut ( This past year, they have shown such split circles pictures…and much more!
Thanks so much. I was aware of them, but didn't know anyone else had found split circles. I will certainly look at more of their posts.
Your welcome! I’m sure that you’ll learn as much as I did about these nano invaders. May I suggest you begin this beautiful quest with the Micronauts’ older posts in order to see their evolution? Many comments are pertinent too. Enjoy!
Human beings should definitely not use microwaves at all! You are right.
Excellent demonstration of "Havana Syndrome" now available to every mammal and other "meat". Thank you very much for your experiments and Aesopian language.
I had to look up "Aesopian" and I agree. Her writing style is very inviting and might give unaware people (I hate to call them normies) cause-to-pause and think - instead of rejecting unusual findings outright. I've been down the rabbit hole since December 2019. I'm retired and have the time to study and search out many different information sources. I understand many people don't have the time to do that. Thank you Daisy. You are new to me and I'm glad I stumbled in.
Thanks so much for your nice comment.
Seems Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley's mother is also an avid researcher with microscopes in Home Lab.
Oh. I wish. No. I brought the microscope with me.
A true geek you are.
By the way Russians have banned Microwaves Ovens.
Convection Cooking vs. Microwave Cooking of Bovine Breast Meat
Effects of Microwave Cooking (covers Meat also)
AI says "AI Overview- There is evidence that the Soviet Union conducted research on the dangers of microwaves, including irradiating the US Embassy in Moscow with microwaves between 1953 and 1975"
I have a large amount of data on micro wave hazards. They change the alignment of the chemical structures, even of water. Cell fone micro waves fry the brains of newborns, toddlers because:
Brain development: Children's brains are rapidly developing, and exposure to microwaves can damage brain cells and disrupt brain development. This can lead to significant neurological changes later in life.
Brain tissue absorption: Children's brain tissue is more absorbent than adults'.
Skull thickness: Children's skulls are thinner than adults'.
Relative size: Children are smaller than adults.
Hormone disruption: Cell phone radiation can disrupt hormones, which can lead to mental illness.
Cortical thinning: Brain scans have shown that children who spend too much time on screens have premature thinning of the cortex, the outermost layer of the brain.
Some potential health risks of cell phone radiation on children include: Low IQ, Improper mental growth, Sleep deprivation, Brain tumors, and Psychiatric diseases.
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) conducted a $30 million, 10-year study on the health effects of cell phone radiofrequency (RF) radiation: The study found "clear evidence" of cancer in male rats exposed to RF radiation. However, the NTP has since been stopped from studying the biological and environmental impacts of cell phone RF radiation.
Wow! The information you posted above is extremely helpful! The second article entitled: "Adverse Effects of Microwaves," actually lists some health issues that members of my family are currently experiencing. Like many Americans, they consume microwaved foods on a daily basis. My guess is that the balance problems, nerve issues and memory problems experienced by some of my family members are related to their consumption of microwaved foods and beverages. Microwaves are used very frequently in American stores and restaurants to heat up food to go. They are used so often, lots of Americans, who never use microwaves in their homes, are probably being exposed to microwaved foods outside their homes a lot more often than they are aware of.
Another piece of information I found in that article that was very helpful can be found under: "B. Athermal Effects." In that section, the author talks about energetic forces that can cause particles to align in a way that resembles a string of pearls. I see this phenomenon very often in my microscopy research. The line of round particles in Pictures #2 & #4 above could, possibly, be explained by this, or a similar, phenomenon. Also, when I used Tony Pantalleresco's Anti-Nano bucket for the first time (see my last post), I took several pictures of cubes on a string that I found in my foot sludge after using the bucket. They looked like strings or necklaces as well. I wonder if the energetic forces generated by Tony's Anti-Nano bucket had anything to do with the creation of those. Your information has given me a lot to think about. I really appreciate your contributions! Thanks again!
See Barry teower ex UK MOD engineer. He tells no lies, all information on the dangerous of RF,EMF, and other waves which were known to him in the employ of the military are utterly true. I've seen many of the studies and safety data papers which have now been deleted or removed from government databases. They new full well that everything wireless was far far far more dangerous than they told you. End result of all that data is that no animals or plants should be subject to these waves we see everywhere unless they wish function less efficiently, live less, and age more. Furthermore, these effects amplify through generations since if mum is not in her Natural molecular form and her health is less than should be it only ads up over time. Gotta love those guys with a bt watch, bt earphones, 2 phones, a smart fridge, smart vaccum, smart AC, smart lights, smart grass, etc. they have no idea the serious dangers and effects.
I think you just described my brother's house and possessions. It's useless trying to get through to him, as is the case with many gadget lovers.
Besides Russians, I have read works by Sabrina Wallace, Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Gitish Kumar, Dr Robert O Becker, Leif G. Salford, and Roman Shapoval but so far I was not familiar with Barrie Trower. Great Guy and good work.
Thanks for drawing my attention to him.
Good God. I just read your previous post as directed and am blown away. The information, the device, the video. I am a civil engineer and Not a scientist. I study for my personal awareness. Its people like you who write to educate me. I have about 2TB of data compilation but I have never come across such easy method of detox.
Thank You very much and keep up the good work.
2 years ago I microwaved a liquid swab sample. I had a zoom audience and a chemistry scientist all curiously watching. It took just 5 secs to boil it out of the tube. After putting under the scope it looked just the same as before with all of the same chemical material seeming to form still. What you can't see is if it damaged any proteins, DNA, or other material. It likely damaged something since some things cannot be industructable. It seemed like the lipids and and other material could form, but if they were functioning as intended still cannot really be seen by microscopy. All in all it is mute test and apparently destroys good plates. 🤣 Hope it wasn't yours!
Your experiment is interesting to hear about. I agree. It's a mute test in terms of whether it affected nanotech in the meat. I do have faith though that - someday - through study of nanotechnology coursework put out in the public domain for nanotech developers, (there's already a lot out there), that we'll be able to get some idea of of how larger self- assembled structures are supposed to work. At that point, we should have a better idea of whether our experiments are making any sort of a significant dent in their operation.
We have an idea of how those technologies work, we just don't specifically know how they are programmed or more so what are programmed to do in any useful detail. The only way to know is through deep and cross correlates analysis using sequencing for ssDNA or other constructive DNA techniques. Knowing all the materials and building blocks alongside via various forms of spectrometry, electrochemical analysis, etc. Once you have all that then you have to chart it all out together and just hope somehow you can see through all the complex linkages and pathways to reduce it all into blue print. Even with all that specific data we would have a massive and surely quite challenging task to work out how all the building blocks go together. You will likely need dedicated LLM's on high speed computers to resolve the puzzle. These guys made a huge nightmare for us all, and they know it. But we keep going, onwards and out of the deep water where possible. Regards 😉
I guess I was suffering from an overly hopeful attitude and discounting the obvious complexities. I'm glad you can see them that clearly. What a mess!
We should all be very hopeful. That's what drives us. When I started researching towards 4 years ago I thought it would be tough finding any relevant discoveries of use to anyone. I made a lot of progress and learnt so much about many things. But, later as 2021 showed new observation and understanding I realised we were dealing with something that was so complicated that it would take many genius types of many walks and with access to great analysis equipment to decipher what's being looked at. For a the most part we are all just seeing a fraction of the puzzle under microscope alone. Understanding it's behaviour, what's inhibiting or helping it from processes can be missunderstood if the material nature is not known properly or at least partly. A vesicle shrinking may be a sign of nano distruction to some, but may actually mean something else entirely. It may not even happen in a more stable environment such as blood or other fluids. The collapse could be due to excitement where energizing without other resources present causes collapse due to feed cut off. Weird stuff is known to be an attribute of these materials in certain conditions and many researchers do not account for the understanding of how these things work. Even I made mistakes before learning so much and still continue to learn. We should all keep at it because no-one else wants to take responsibility and fix the tyrranical-sore-ass-rex that has become our reality. But people should stand in the light cautiously and with care since the awake folks don't know what to believe anymore. Modesty in this work is what tells me to take interest in other researchers. Neo claimed he had tonnes of data and lots of answers, made us all get excited (not me, heard it all before). Now his stacks up he is naming all kinds of known structures weird stuff and jumping on the microchip this and robot that stuff. He's just one of a great many. Basically that's where this all started, people not knowing what stuff is and giving it all misleading names while claiming to be a researcher. This is where people absolutely should be researching, but also being modest and careful about what they are saying while claiming to be a leader in research. Modesty, "here is this that looks like this but I don't know what it is" goes down way better then here is what I've decided is a Graphene ribbon, robot, or microchip. If it's not fact then use logic to describe the situation, detail it as an open observation. Ironically most of these claims and names for stuff have little or no backing at this stage. I am still confident of the lipids, vesicles, colloidal networks, polymers, and other materials I have been writing about for some time since I have provided evidence for those being present to some reasonable degree and those are the kinds of materials expected from advanced transhuman products self-assembling. Everytime I hear this is a robot or this is a Graphene nano ribbon I cringe. There has been no real evidence for these particular statements so far and most analysis by tangible outlets on our side of this war have not concluded much in support of those claims. People seem to be going in circles and playing the game of let's call this thing the new trendy word from the circles online. Clifford carnicom has done some really good scientific work, I have done some reasonable job of providing visual analysis, staining, etc and other scientists have now released papers supporting these technological pathways we think we are seeing. But it seems many are too caught up in there small celebrity dr's and their made up buzz words to go and research the work of much more credible folks while trying to correlate it all. It's like everyone has microscope, article, buzzwords fever and it's getting weirder lol. Just thought I'd post my recent thoughts. I like everyone researching responsibly, but some of it confuses me. People are posting great discoveries, and fake cures, or presenting themselves as leads on the stage while getting donations for their missleeding statements. People should work together and learn intensively instead of going on one man Bands presenting themselves as a source of science and truth. Jeeze...the more I see it the weirder it seems. I love seeing modest people like yourself posting what's in their blood, it's when it gets to the naming of stuff as if that person has a clue being rather puzzling. The public need to make truth from these crimes and keeping everything out there real since it is what will make the non believers feel it is maybe tangible before they have to wake up. Media and science just takes the Mickey out of those who make unfounded claims which later turn out to be wrong, then they use it as missinformation against us and all that is actually tangible and true. That's why it's easy for them to call us tinfoil hatters, because others are claiming to be remote viewers and showing you cutting edge info, or creating made up devices that make no sense. People are following these guys almost like cults and it is going to be used against the awake as a whole. Not an image I think we all need in this war. It's nice to sometimes let my thoughts out, hope you don't mind.
Kindest regards
Thanks for your comments and pep talk on the value of this work. I agree! Having the proper amount of humility is really important. We do see certain patterns though, so I think making guesses and admitting that they are guesses is alright. I've liked Neo's recent work quite a lot. I hadn't seen much of it until recently.
This does not seem serious.
This post was meant to display what I found in a humorous and entertaining way. Some of my posts contain more serious research and speculation. I'm genuinely concerned about what I captured on video and how microwave ovens could be affecting people at the atomic and molecular levels. I don't know if this kind of footage has been captured much and, if not, the world needs to know.
Russians have great research on dangers and effects of microwaves. They have worked on effects on food and crops also. I will look back, they must have something on it.
So did most governments, they hid it from Ain sight for years and then started deleting all their safety data since the public began reading it and waking up. The dangers of microbes are no mystery to design engineers and some medical fields. They just didn't want us being healthy I guess. Anything which damages nutrition or may expose you to low amounts of radiation over long periods is a bonus for those guys. Just like they told everyone smoking was cool and what makes a man or lady the man or lady. These people always new what they were doing.
I have definitely heard about the dangers of microwaves, but I haven't seen this kind of footage before. I'm certain some must exist somewhere though.